Yeast fraction supplementation on growth performance responses of nursery pigs
Ongoing viral challenges and the ban of some medicinal interventions create the need for natural solutions to improve immune function and gut health. The natural combination of Mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) and Beta-Glucans (BG) from yeast appears a useful alternative. Algebra Bio offer X-MOS as a high purity yeast fraction for this purpose.
P. Sungnak1, H.H. Lee2, C.X. Zhu3, C.Y. Sun3
1. InterCons 3P Co., Ltd, Nonthaburi, Thailand
2. Algebra Bio (Australia) Ltd, 12 Sunburst Ave, Balwyn North Victoria 3104 Australia
3. Shandong Bio Sunkeen Co., Ltd, No.6789 Xingfuhe Road, Zoucheng Industrial Park, Shandong Province, China
Corresponding Author: Hock Hee Lee. Email:

Material and methods Total 30 weaned pigs, 3 crossed bred, 26 days old were assessed for 41 days in a commercial farrow-finisher pig producing farm. The pigs were randomly allocated into 2 groups with 15 replicates per group, 1 pig per replicate, with equal male and female in each group. The experimental pens were in closed house, evaporative cooling system. Feed and water were provided ad lib. Pre-starter diet was formulated, containing 21.50% CP and 3,560 kcal/kg ME, serve as the experimental diets. Control group (T0) was fed basal diet. Treatment group (T1) was fed the same diet supplemented with the X-MOS. No antibiotics for growth promotion were added into the diet. ADFI, Average Weight Gain (AWG), ADG, FCR were evaluated at the end of experiment. WG and ADG were analyzed by t-test technique. A significant difference was considered when P<0.05.
Results The trial result on growth performances are shown in Table 1. Initial body weight was 8.39 kg in control and 8.41 kg in treatment group, p-value=0.9383, no significant different (p>0.05). Ending body weight was 22.36 kg in control and 24.82 kg in treatment group, p-value=0.0291, with highly significant different (p<0.05). AWG in control and treatment group was 13.97 and 16.41 kg respectively, p-value= 0.0051 and ADG in control and treatment group was 0.341 and 0.400 kg/day respectively, p-value=0.0051, with highly significant different (p<0.05). ADFI was 0.55 and 0.62 kg/day in control and treatment group respectively. The FCR was 1.61 and 1.56 in control and treatment group respectively, statistical test is not applicable.

Conclusion and implications Supplementation with X-MOS at 2 kg/ton feed had positive effects on growth performance of nursery pigs, demonstrated better AWG by 17.5%, ADFI by 12.7%, ADG by 17.3%, FCR by 3.1%.
Acknowledgements Supported by Intercons3P and Bio-Sunkeen.
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