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Algebra Bio - Collaborative Launch at Poultry India

Hyderabad 23-25th November 2022

Australia and Hong Kong based Algebra Bio launched new natural and sustainable animal health and nutrition solutions to the Indian livestock industry this week. In India’s largest annual gathering of the poultry world Algebra, paired with local partners Prima Vetcare and Groexl to bring innovations in the areas of gut health, improved meat and egg quality, immunity enhancement and ways to combat pathogens.

The teams have been welcoming many of the leading players in the poultry sector from within India and an array of international visitors. Algebra Bio Managing Director, James Charteris-Hough commented ‘This is an important event to showcase new innovations and our team has been delighted in the level of interest shown and desire for technical advances in such a large and complex market’.

CEO of Mumbai based Prima Vetcare, Ms Ritika Chopra & Commercial Director Dr Sheikh echoed the sentiment ‘We have seen during the pandemic, there was a slow down in transmission of technical information and new innovations, so we are especially pleased to be partnering with Algebra Bio to bring a range of yeast-based technologies at this year’s event, to aid the advance of poultry and egg producers, large and small’

Dr BP Manjunath, CEO of the Bangalore based GROEXL operation said that his business was particularly focused on products able to combat the range of important pathogens, especially damaging mycotoxins that farmers in India need to combat. ‘Our new range of Australian manufactured mycotoxin binders has been designed to use a mix of natural components to help nullify the impacts of the range of pathogenic mycotoxins to be found in feeds or feed ingredients by Indian farmers.’ commented Dr Manjunath.

Algebra’s presence at the Poultry India event has been managed by its Commercial Development Director Dr Lee Hock Hee. Commenting on the event, Dr Lee said ‘We have been blown away by the interest and response this week at the event which is a real indication that producers want and need technical development but are seeking environmentally sustainable interventions to make that happen. Especially so in the areas of ways to naturally combat disease and strengthen the natural immunity in the bird’


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