Technical Seminars in Luzon Attract Major Interest

Three technical seminars held on 15th and 16th May 2019 generated great interest amongst almost aqua, swine and poultry businesses and nutrition consultants in Luzon. The events held in Manila, Pampanga and Bulacan attracted almost 100 attendees from major businesses in the Region.
The roadshow of seminars under the title of ‘Feeding the Animal’s Second Brain – The Gut’ tackled two very important technical aspects in nutrition and stimulated much discussion about natural solutions to improving gut health and strengthening the animal’s immune system. The subjects are particularly relevant given the current drive to reduce and remove antibiotics from the food chain and the need to enhance the immune system of animals under constant threat from disease.
Three technology driven businesses, Manila based Interfarma Nutraceuticals and Nutribasics along with Australian based Algebra Bio combined their efforts to sponsor the three events focusing on these critical aspects in animal health and nutrition. The technical development work in these areas continues in the Philippines for the future benefit of producers.
The invited speakers were specialists in their fields and presented the latest findings on natural solutions to optimise nutrition and gut health and maximise the immune status in the animal.
Robert Lijauco, the CEO of Nutribasics Chaired each of the events and commented ‘The real importance of role of functional fibre in the diets of pigs was well demonstrated by leading nutritionist Art Frio, presenting recent finding on this topic’. In addition to a significant number of European studies on the subject, Art Frio presented information from recent trials in some leading swine farms showing significant performance improvement from the use of a natural fibre source Beta Fibre in the diets of sows and piglets.
With African Swine Fever and an increasing range of pathogens being an ever-present threat across Asia, livestock producers at the event were briefed on ways to strengthen the animals’ natural immune system. Dr Noel Cuyno, engaged as an independent consultant of Australia based Algebra Bio introduced the topic of enhancing natural gut health through the tactical use of yeast derivatives. He commented, ‘The science behind the benefits of yeast derivatives has been developed over the past 20 years and with the increased attack on the animal’s gut from a variety of pathogens, their use has never been more relevant.
X-MOS is a highly concentrated yeast cell wall product from Algebra Bio, offered in the Philippines through Interfarma and James Charteris-Hough (MD of Algebra) highlighted the research showing the benefits of the Beta Glucans content from inner cell wall of the yeast to improving the status of the immune system. Benefits that have been shown to be as applicable in humans as in livestock.
Eddel Bihis, the CEO of Interfarma summarising the three events comments. ‘It is clear from the response we have had to these seminars that the livestock industry is seeking ways to improve the health and nutrition of the food they produce in truly natural and sustainable ways which is good news for consumers’.
Presented papers from the events and for further information contact any one of the three sponsors as follow: